Wednesday Nights | 7-9PM

God’s process for you to grow spiritually and to experience freedom starts with having the right people in your life.

House Churches are cross-generational communities, located geographically, with a focus on community and discipleship. They prioritize prayer, are sensitive and hopeful toward evangelism, meet needs, and welcome new people. They're more than a small group, and function like 'mini-churches' rooted in neighborhoods throughout the city!

PLUS, you'll make life-long friendships, and eat good food, while deepening your relationship with God and influence in the city.

This semester, our house churches will be progressing through The Practicing the Way Course, including eight-sessions of teaching, guided conversation, and spiritual exercises designed to
lay a foundation for lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus.

All House Churches gather together the first Wednesday of each month for First Wednesday Worship & Prayer at the Triumph Church Ministry Center (1326 H St NE) from 7-8PM.